주상절리대 柱狀節理帶 Jusangjeolli Cliff
Jusangjeolli Cliff is a stone pillar formed by the contraction effect when lava flowed out of the volcano and rapidly cooled. The pillars resemble polygonal steps, with hexagonal columns towering 30–40 meters high and stretching about 1 kilometer along the coastline. The view is spectacular, and the waves crashing against the shore create an unforgettable sight.
📍 Address
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 이어도로 36-30
36-30, Ieodo-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do
NAVER MAP:https://naver.me/FqWtDCMX
🕐 Operating hours
09:00-18:00 (Last entrance 17:40)
💰 Fees
Adults 2,000 won / Children & Youth 1,000 won
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