Everything You Need to Know
Planning a stay abroad? Bucket has created the perfect guidebook to help you prepare for your adventure. This comprehensive guide provides all the essential information you need for a successful working holiday.
Organized into three key stages—Preparing, Getting Started, and Adapting—it offers valuable insights for each step of your journey.
We also provide regular updates on information about various countries, so be sure to stay tuned!
This stage focuses on understanding what it means to take this leap and ensuring you’re fully equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge.
Who Should Go
Country and City Selection
Visa Application
Insurance and Flight Bookings
Accommodation and Language Preparation
The Start phase marks the beginning of your exciting journey, where your primary focus will be on establishing the foundation for your new life.
Banking and Communication
Housing and Employment
Social Connections
Essential Apps
Visa Extensions
As you settle into your new surroundings, the Adapt phase will help you make the most of your working holiday experience.
Cultural Insights and Etiquette
Practical Tips
Real-life English Expressions
Travel Opportunities
Various guidebooks, including a Canadian guidebook for Koreans and a guidebook for Taiwanese people staying in Korea, will be released in the first quarter of 2025!